Hello everybody! Selling an account Star Wars the old Republic! 36,000 achievements. PVE: Closed 75% of operations. There are 9 characters on the account (sniper, sorcerer, mercenary, commando, guardian, assassin, marauder, gunslinger, sage), of which 8 characters are 75 lvl, 306 item rating, full 286 augments, and 1 character 12 lvl. Sith sorcerer has 3 nim mounts (Wings of the Architect, Titan Six Containment Configuration, Dread Enhanced Rancor + Crest of the Dread Master). Revanchist, Dread Slayer, Gate Crasher, of the Ruined World, Dragonslayer, from Beyond, Warstalker. Mercenary - Revanchist. Collected all datacrons in the game. 1 billion credits in legacy cargo. 800 cartel market certificates. Completed all class storylines, as well as all secondary storylines. Craft: Sith Assassin has 9 companions of 50 lvl. Sith sorcerer has 4 companions lvl 50. The commando has 4 companions lvl 50. With such companions you will have the best healers, dps, tanks. Of course, this is the fastest craft possible. All crew skills are of the maximum level. Stronghold: Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Yavin 4, Nar Shaddaa, Manaan, Tatooine. All of them are completely open and give the maximum bonus when completing a conquest. 215,000 prestige! PVP: Sith Sorcerer - Season 12 Bronze flair, 59 Valor. Commando - 13 season silver flair, 54 valor. 47,000 pvp tokens in the legacy section. There is already a rating for bronze s14 on Marauder, only a few victories are needed for the reward. Furious (s3) weapons set + s4 pvp crystals If I remember something else, I will definitely add it. Who is interested in this account and you need more information. Write to me on the discord. There I can show you on stream everything that interests you. Or take screenshots. Price - 500$ Discord: Adegan#9563