Resolved Purchased account

Discussion in 'Help - Ask Support Questions' started by Nahenry81, 2/18/17.

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  1. Nahenry81

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    Unverified Member

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    Hello seller hero41028 and I are trying to complete our transaction and have not been able to get the process completed. I purchased the account through the buy now link and the seller is not getting the information needed to complete the transaction. We are needed assistance with completing the deal through your services.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Admin

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    Admin Status (Staff): This account handles all admin general support inquiries

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    Thank you for contacting PlayerUp Support.

    Please note that you have reached the wrong department as this is general support, not middleman support. We would be more than happy to assist you here but we need to send you to the correct department.

    How can I contact middleman support if I have an active order opened?
    If you have an active order with PlayerUp Middleman Support (@Middleman), then we ask that you use the 2 tickets already opened (Private Conversation Ticket and 3 Way Conversation Ticket). Please remain patient as PlayerUp Middleman Support maybe backed up on responses so we ask that you remain as patient as possible.

    How can I contact middleman support if I am waiting for middleman to activate my order or have questions for middleman support?
    If you don't have a Private or 3 Way Conversation Ticket opened, please use this link to contact middleman support directly:

    Why are my support tickets being closed?
    Please note that we only close tickets if you already have an active ticket opened on the same transaction order. In order for us to better assist you and reduce spam, we ask that you use your original ticket, private conversation ticket or 3 way conversation ticket to communicate rather than opening another ticket.
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