Psycho Beast Team for Sale: x3 Combo (Rarity 1-4, Beast, Purple) +10% Accuracy, +20% Dodge +25% Atk/Def Leader- Obliteration, Badran M (Dodge 5) AAA A:19690 D:16110 H:19690 Horned Phantom Tiger+ M (Dodge 4) AA+ A:9680 D:10560 H:7040 High Seas, Kraken+ M (Heal 2) AA+ A:10340 D:11280 H:7520 Sky Eating Dragonfish+ M (PHP 2) AA+ A:8460 D:12220 H:8460 Goddess-Eater Behemoth+ M (PAP 3) AA+ A:9900 D:14300 H:9900 Team Stats: Atk: 81,162 Def: 90,111 Hp: 79,889 177 BP ----------------------------------------------------------- The leader alone has had offers of 180+ep, My asking price for this team is 245 ep, $120, or a formation of War Love Mary+ M as well as 4 other AA+ Purple Winged Brutes (Preferably Maxed as well)