Selling  PSO2JP Account / Ship2[Ur] / Cheap Price $650

Discussion in 'Phantasy Star Online 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by suardikapc, 8/12/19.

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  1. suardikapc

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    -Account ready to use-

    Here for detail descriptions :

    Ship 2 : Ur

    Total 3 Char : 1 main char & 2 other char

    1 main char (Human) : all class lv 90 (not-include Summoner lv.75)

    2 other char (Human & Cast) : have a few class (5-6) and which one is lv 90 and other class lv 75-80

    main char : include add many skill tree

    other char : every class just have 1 skill tree

    gear :

    weapon : ready to use. (include affixed/grind cap max)

    main weapon :

    2 Lightstream series 15*

    4 Atlas series 15* (bonus : 2x Time Reversal Stone Chronos)

    9 Austere NT series + (2 old-type series)

    other weapon :

    10 weapon 14*

    1 weapon 13*

    1 weapon 15*

    UNIT : ready to use - include (affixed and grind cap) + bonus skill ring

    Lightstream 2x / Bode 3x / Orgei 1x / Union 1x

    affix (5s - 6s)

    mag : have (5) mag - every mag have different stat (S/R/T/DEX)

    pet : 6x pet 14* / 6x pet 13*

    fashion set : have alot of fashion - include expensive AC item (hair/accesoris/costum/layer/LA)

    my room : good room think full 149/150 item

    have a few time to premium account

    left 450 AC in account

    title > 970

    total playtime > 11974 : 41

    HERE FOR MORE DETAIL : PSO2 - Google Drive

    PRICE : $650

    Have any questions or interest ?

    Contact :

    Discord : Suardika#0997

    Facebook. : Suardika | Facebook.

    Twitter :
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