Pso2 Ship 2 Meseta 0.7=1M, 0.65=50M+, 0.6=100M+ Or Account = 799$ Or Offer

Discussion in 'Phantasy Star Online 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rasendori, 3/16/18.

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  1. Rasendori

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    Hello, I have once again decided to quit another RPG, this time it is PSO2.
    (Before it was the RPG Rappelz, if someone wanted to know).
    So before I gonna finally leave, I want to try to sell my left over Meseta or even the whole account.

    # Special

    Here are the prices again for Ship2 only:
    0.70 $ = 1M
    0.65 $ = 50M+
    0.60 $ = 100M+
    799 $ for Account (or Offer)


    (last updated: 3/16/2018)

    The amount of Meseta can still grow since I didn't sell all my stuffs yet.

    The trade will be done via PayPal and the player shop. (Don't worry I will pay the shop fee.)
    For more detailed information please add me on discord (VN#3543) or on skype (Rasenkiri).

    Here is a rough idea how my account looks like (from left to right):

    1st char = main (all classes / all atk types + inkl. Mags),
    2nd char = R-Atk based
    3rd char = T-Atk based
    4th char = S-Atk based

    1st line for every char: high affixed 12* units, then afterwards high affixed 13* weapons for each column = S, R or T-Atk

    Some Gear Stats:
    12* Units with Astral soul and 165 Atk/12PP for S/R/T-Type and 8-slotted 13* Qliphad Rod with 230 Atk/18PP etc.

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