Sold PSO2 JP Ship2 ID [ High End / End Game Build ]

Discussion in 'Phantasy Star Online 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dantacabon69, 2/15/21.

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  1. dantacabon69

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    My Location:
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    Make Offer
    Pso2 JP Ship2 Selling ID :-

    ID Details can refer to below link :-

    1. Additional 2 Mag
    2. x1 Premium 90 Days Tickets
    3. 1709 SG
    4. 1.1 B Meseta
    5. Main Character all class 95 ( Total 3 Mag )
    6. Rare LA / Custome
    7. 7 character all level 55 above ( Dalies )
    8. Units x3 Fodder 6s + 275 ATK ( Transaferable to 8s 3xx Atk + ) *Refer to Google Drive Image*

    If anyone interest can DM me at discord : jjzz#7871

    *Reason for Selling: I want to get my Waifu in GenShin Impact please sponser te he ~*
    #1 dantacabon69, 2/15/21
    Last edited: 2/15/21
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