Sold [PSN-Xbox-PC] Level 50 Unranked Account + Ready for Ranked

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by R6Centeral, 7/29/23.

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  1. R6Centeral

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    Details: Level 50 + KD 0.0 + WL 0.0 + 33 Packs + 72K Renowns + 19 Operators unlocked + Pulse and Smoke Extraction sets + Extraction Background Card + 2x 7-Day Renown booster + 3x 3-Days Renown booster + 4x 1-Day Renown booster + 14x 1-Day Battle Point booster

    Do I have to buy the game?

    If you already own the game on any other account (PS and Xbox only) there's no need to purchase again. You can simply use Console license sharing system (Xbox Home and PS Primary) to use the previously owned license on any account!

    If you don't own the game on any other account or you want to play on PC you will need to buy the game.

    Do I get full access?

    Yes, you will receive full Email account info + PSN account info and Ubisoft account info. You can change anything you want at anytime.

    Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

    Background.jpg pulse set.jpg pulse shotgun.jpg smoke set.jpg smoke smg.jpg
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