Hello I am here to test the waters, I currently have 2 dayz servers that are hosted by nitrado cherno 50 slot Livonia 42 slot Both servers are fully configured with boosted loot custom safezone trader zones trader truck and a fully stocked market inside the trader it had a discord that is fully configured with everything you need to monitor the servers this is the discord link if you wanna check it out https://playerup.com/YzEqqwz4Dx currently at 1k discord users currently have 2 bots working with killfeed user locations etc this is a server that's has been up for almost two years now perfer to sell to someone's that has ran servers before since there is a lot to learn from maintaining the server plus xmls files and checking for errors etc if someone's buys it for the right price I can stick around and admin the servers for a bit untill you fully understand it