KINDLY SEND US A MESSAGE BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER FOR MORE INFO AND DlSC0UNT FULL ACCESS with ORIGINAL FIRST EMAIL THIS ACCOUNT CAN BE CROSS PROGRESSED TO CONSOLE DlSC0RD: vinzsmokee [PC] APEX PREDATOR Ranked: --------- S6 Static S14 Animated Arena S15 Animated S16 Animated (#151) S20 Animated (#83) S21 Animated (#69) Heirlooms (11): --------------- BUSTER SWORD + DEATHBOX KARAMBIT + DEATHBOX Caustic Octane Pathfinder Lifeline Bloodhound Octane Mythic Loba Mythic Rev Mythic Caustic Mythic Misc: ------ 100,345 KILLS on Caustic EVERY Caustic Skin Level 270 Last Prestige 775 Legendaries BPs 1-21 Trails: ------- S2 Diamond Lightning Octane High Tide Loba Translocator Rev Cerberus KINDLY SEND US A MESSAGE BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER FOR MORE INFO AND DlSC0UNT