Buying [PS4] Warfame account with all event weapons and more.

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Darkfaerytales, 5/28/15.

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  1. Darkfaerytales

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    Looking to buy a ps4 warframe account with all event weapons plus more. Braton Vandal account would be great I know people who have it's very rare. Higher Mastery rank would be a plus but we'll see.

    Must have's:

    Wraith twin vipers
    Wraith Gorgon
    Wraith Strun
    Mara Detron
    Prisma Gorgon
    Prisma Vertiux
    Frost Prime
    Nova Prime
    Nyx Prime
    Rhino Prime
    Loki Prime
    Latron Prime
    Reaper Prime
    All Prime Weapons.....Expect Founders stuff of course.
    All Dual Stat Event Mods and lastly CARRIER!!

    Just to name a few message me here [email protected]
    Details price and ect.
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