[PS4] [Have] Pictures and list -Cobalt Wildcat Ears -Saffron Wildcat Ears -Cobalt Derby -Burnt Sienna Mariachi Hat -Lime Tunicas -Sky Blue Tunicas -Polygonal Boost -Candy Corn Boost Want: -For each of the wildcat ears, i'm asking for 2 other colors, specially crimson and forest green. -For the tunicas I'd like 1:1 trade for sunburst of the same color. -For the rest, let me know your offers, i'm specially interested in BM's, Painted exotics, Keys and crates in that order, and painted toppers for the lowest trades. I'm also collecting Shibuya and Vice Decals, will trade 3 of them for a c1 crate. Comment your offer or send me a PM and let me know in the comments, please don't hijack other peoples trades. Thanks