Selling PS4 Destiny Account All Charactors 400 Light, Year 1 Weapons all Exotics and More..

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Grears1989, 3/3/17.

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  1. Grears1989

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    Just doing this to see if there is much interest as I am in two minds and see how much I would get for it as I have an alt account ive been using minimum price for everything would be 300 minimum depending on interest, warlock, titan and hunter all 400 light.

    Year 1 Weapons

    For The People - Auto Rifle - Red Dot - Glass half full - counterbalance - persistence
    Silimars Wrath - Auto Rifle - Red Dot - Counterbalance - High Caliber - Icarus
    The Messenger (adept) Solar Burn - Pulse Rifle
    Jewel OF Osiris (adept) Void Burn - Hand Cannon ( Sureshot, third eye, Icarus )
    The Summoner (adept) Void Burn - Auto Rifle
    Efrideets Spear - Sniper Rifle - Shortgaze, Performance Bonus - Quickdraw - Hidden hand
    Felwinters Lie - Shotgun - Aggressive Ballistics, Cascade, Rifled Barrel, Close/and personal
    Jolders Hammer - Machine Gun - Counterbalance - Crowd control
    Radagasts Fury - Rocker Launcher - tracking and tripod
    Praedyths Timepiece - Pulse Rifle
    Vision of Confluence - Scout Rifle
    Found Verdict - Shotgun
    Fatebringer - Hand Cannon
    Vex Mythoclast - Fusion Rifle
    Corrective Measure - Machine Gun
    Praedyths Revenge - Sniper Rifle
    Hezen Vengance - Rocket Launcher
    Oversoul Edict - Pulse Rifle
    Fang of ur yut - Scout Rifle
    word of crota - Hand Cannon
    Light of the abyss - Fusion Rifle
    Hunger Of Crota - Rocket Launcher

    Plus All Exotics except Necrochasm

    Year 2
    Doctrine of passing (adept) Auto Rifle - Counterbalance, Persistence , Braced Frame
    The Water Star (adept) Hand Cannon - Sureshot ,Rangefinder, Reinforced Barrel , hidden hand
    Inward Lamp (adept) Scout Rifle - Full Auto, Hidden Hand, Hand laid stock
    Finnalas Peril - Hand Cannon - Truesight, relentless Tracker, Rifled Barrel, Luck in the chamber
    Deidres Retort - Shotgun - Aggressive Ballistics - Performace Bonus - Rifled Barrel - Rangefinder
    Glass Promontory - Sniper - God Roll - shortgaze/ambush - quickdraw/snapshot - Hiddenhand
    Defiance Of Yasmin - Sniper - Cocoon - Firefly
    Hawksaw - (pulse rifle - Vendor roll - Counterbalance
    Quillums Terminus - Machine Gun - Persistence
    BlackSpindle - Sniper Rifle
    Touch Of Malice - Scout Rifle

    Suros pdx 45 - Pulse rifle - Headseeker
    Suros Dis 47 - Full auto/hiddenhand - Braced frame
    Tlaloc (exotic) scout rifle

    All Exotics Except - Boltcaster and Dark Drinker

    As far as armour goes I have all year one raid gear from VOG and Crota, plus various pieces from trials and iron banner chests and helmets which have good rolls for sweats use. ask if you need info.

    Year 3 - ones actually worth writing down
    Palindrome - Sureshot, Reinforced barrel, Icarus, Hiddenhand
    Palindrome - Vendor
    Clever Dragon - Counterbalance, HighCaliber, Perfect Balance
    Eyasluna - Truesight, tripletap, rifled barrel, life support
    Eyasluna - sureshot , proximity, braced frame, luck in the chamber
    Imago loop - sureshot, hot swap, rifled barrel , firefly
    Lord High Fixer - Sureshot , Rangfinder, Rifled barrel, hidden hand
    Grasp of malok - red dot oas, spray and play, braced frame, counterbalance

    Matador 64 - I have about 10 different roles with rifled/reinforced barrel and aggressive the best are -

    cascade, rangefinder
    performance bonus , crowd control
    spray and play, close and personal
    rangefinder, spray and play
    full auto, rangefinder
    full auto, crown control

    Snipers same goes theres about 8 with various, best roles

    Longview slr 10, eye of the storm, rifled barrel, hidden hand
    Ldr - Shortgaze, outlaw , rifled, firefly
    Event Horizon - Shortgaze, quickdraw, life support, firefly


    Outbreak Prime

    as far as year 3 armour goes I have more or less everything, just ask if you have any queries

    have full trials armour for all 3 charactors with all ornaments on them all, plus if you need any new tolls there is 5 ornaments on each character and 10 in the vault, likewise with the rise of iron stuff,

    give me a shout if you have any enquiries. Peace
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