I'm selling a TOP destiny account; it is a Beta account with the rare emblem Movie of The Week (You need to win the Bungie's contest with a Youtube video). This is a top pvp account with 2.8 kd plus. I have 3 334+ characters (Hunter, Warlock and Titan). I have lots of year 1 weapons (God roll y1 party crasher; god roll Feltwinter's lie) and lots of y2 weapons (all exotics but tlalock, first curse and void/arc sword). I have 3 god roll longbows: -Shortgaze/grenadier/quickdraw/unflinching -Longview10/hiddend hand/smallbore/life support -Longview 10/hidden hand/guerrilia/snapshot. I also have 2 y2 party crashers with max range. Eyasluna (luck in the chamber). I have the rare FULCRUM (luck in the chamber/last round/ riffled barrel) My elo in trials is 2428 (2.85 kd on my titan). 99 times flawless. Cleary i also TONS of grasps of malok. Most of shaders and emblems. I'll give you collector edition ttk. Trying to sell it fast. Contact me at [email protected] Please MAKE ME AN OFFER. Please send me emails only if you are interested on the item. Thx