I am selling my account. Characters on the account are a 335 Hunter and a 334 Warlock. The Warlock is missing a 335 chestpiece to become 335. This account has a almost all of the exotic armor pieces unlocked for the Hunter, has a ton of weapon exotics unlocked - both year one and two. Including the Ghallahjorn. Has quite a few desirable legendaries, such as: Grasp of Malok Party Crasher 335 Doctrine of Passing 335 Stolen Will NL Shadow 701x 334 Spare Change .25 Reflection Sum (Adept) 335 Aegis of the Reef 335 Finnala's Peril 335 1000 Yard Stare 335 Touch Of Malice questline is done. Exotic Void Sword quest is done. Hunter is level 31 in Dead Orbit with the exotic cloak. Price is $150 through Paypal Email: [email protected] Pictures:
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