Selling PS2 Account, EU or NA, Vanu / NC

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    As title says, looking for EU / NA accounts. Will look at all accts, cheap accts (BR40) to high level (BR80+, alpha squad, ect) accts.

    Currently roll a 90+ TR on Briggs and looking for some variety on the other servers. TR acct will be considered but Vanu and NC are preferred.

    Let me know what you've got! Will update this when I'm not looking anymore.




    I have a low level account with a few guns bought with station cash. he IS TR. i just wanted to put that out there even though i wouldnt really expect much...

    how much would you be willing to spend for a character on mattherson? neo

    I am interested in buying a BR 80+ TR character. Alpha Squad is a plus. I am only interested in a TR character. Can pay with Paypal.

    i have a NC on mattherson for sale, BR 78 all vehicles and classes certed out well, has a good krd.

    Is it alpha squad?

    oh sorry didnt know you wanted alpha.

    Sent Pm.

    Sent you PM, willing to sell for cheap

    52 NC On Connery Server.

    400+ SC Gear and Apparel.

    Good Account looking for around 150 USD.

    Skype is:


    And it's Alpha Squad
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