Sold PRO account. 70 Wr, 2.600 avg dmg, 22 tier X, 16 tier 8, 13 competitive premiuns

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by NandoPIE, 1/7/22.

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  1. NandoPIE

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    My Location:
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    Please Read me. Screenshots at the bottom

    I am open to offers
    This account was an Reroll with main focus on professionals tournaments, and now i will be leaving blitz.

    This account have one MAJOR drown back, and it's an Permanent chat ban for one mistake i've made.
    Even when sending an ticket to WG they won't remove the chat ban.
    For some reason, you can use the chat in training rooms lobby. Other than that, if you try to send an message anywhere else you can't.

    If you're still interested here's the account details:

    9.5K battles
    70.20% Win ratio
    2.600 average damage
    88.10% accuracy
    340 Mastery badges recorded.

    Gold: 1k
    Credits: 12M
    Free XP: 350k

    Premium account in certificates: 44
    35 camos in certificates

    2 Gold charm from collect them all crates (open 5 more for extra 1k gold
    2 Gold series ticket (Tier IX/X)
    1 silver series Ticket (Tier IX/X)

    Boosters: 500 XP,
    54 Free XP
    162 Crew XP
    3 credit boosters
    34 gold boosters
    500 combat boosters

    Tier X:

    Sheridan missile, T57 Heavy, T110E5, M-VI-Yoh, E50 M, MAUS, VK 90.01 (P), Jg.Pz. E 100, Grille 15, IS7, IS4, Vickers Light, FV215b, Chieftain Mk.6, FV4005, FV215b 183, WZ-121, B-C 25t, AMX 50 B, TVP 50/51, Progetto 65, 60TP Lewandowskiego and Kranvagn.

    Tier IX:


    Tier VIII:

    T49, LeKpz M41 90 mm, E75 TS, Rhm.-B. WT, T-54 Ltwt, IS-5, Centurion MK. 5/1, Chimera, Charioteer, WZ-122-2, WZ-110, Lorraine Fearless, Somua SM, Progetto 46, 53TP Markowskiego and Emil I,

    Tier VII:

    T29, SP I C, Kunze Panzer, LTTB, SU-152, Chi-Ri, Svear and WZ Blaze

    Tier VI:


    Tier V:

    PZ. V/IV

    IMG_20220107_205349.jpg IMG_20220107_204829.jpg IMG_20220107_205023.jpg IMG_20220107_205059.jpg IMG_20220107_205121.jpg IMG_20220107_205148.jpg IMG_20220107_205209.jpg IMG_20220107_205230.jpg IMG_20220107_205255.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-47-29-006_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-46-01-161_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-46-12-803_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-46-20-527_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-46-27-843_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-46-33-008_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-46-37-621_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-46-43-503_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2022-01-07-20-46-48-968_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg IMG_20220107_205349.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    I forgot to add, the old golden PRO player avatar is now impossible to get, since WG introduced a new one, and this account have both of them.
    And 2 background profiles.

    I still play in this account from time to time, so i would ask you to message me before buying it, here on player up or in my Discord

    NandoPIE#1970 IMG_20220107_215626.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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