Selling  Europe  Android and iOS Pro Acc Full Tech Tree, WR:61,36, 500 Day Premium

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by Hamed1945, 3/29/23.

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  1. Hamed1945

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
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    Account Details​
    Winrate : 61.36%
    Total battle : 23000
    360 Day active premium accouant
    154 Day reseved premium account
    530 Gold
    100 Epic and legendery avatar
    66K Free xp
    15 Mil credit
    A lot of legendery style,camo,attachment
    2009 Epic combat xp booster
    1723 Epic free xp booster
    1127 Epic crew xp booster
    902 Epic cooldown booster
    704 Epic credit booster
    71 Gold booster
    141 Tank in garage include :
    Full lane
    48 Tier x
    10 Tier ix
    33 Tier viii
    21 Tier vll
    13 Tier vl
    8 Tier v
    13 Collector tank in garage :
    Tier x: strv K .object 268/4, sheridan missile,amx m4 mle ,t22 medium,
    Tier ix: 50tp prototype,
    21 Tier vll: smasher,
    Tier vi and lower/; frosty,cyborg,medjay,pz 38na,covenanter,ke-ni
    Can restore :
    vk90.01, amx 30b,wt ritter,Gravdigger, titan h-nd",Svear,scavenger"amxmas
    ,M3 lee,Ms-1,,Titan Mk.I,Pz.IV.Gargoyle,PZ.Kpfw.s35 739,,P43/06anniversario,T1E6,BT-SV,Type5 Ke-Ho,,Pz.kpfw.III Ausf.A,Charles, nightmare, ac sentinel
    67 Premium Tank :
    chieftain Mk.6 , 121b, k-91, amx 30 1er prot, t55a, t54e2, object 274a, su130-pm ,centruin mk.5\1, chimera, lorraine fearless, action x, type 57, m45a2 raumpanzer, keiler, wz-122 tm, progetto 46, t26e4, t34, m6a2e1 exp, t28 defender, e75ts, lowe, is6, is-5, is-3 defender, 59-patton, t-34-3, wz-112-2 , m4a1 rev, amx cdc, fcm 50t , o-47, t26e3 eagle,cs 52 lis,m41d, lycan, super hellcat, type 62, t23e3, m6a2e1, panther/m10 , is-2 1945 , e25, skoda t45, fury, object 244, bretagne panther, fv201(a45) , at 15a , amx 13 57 , y5 elc bis, dicker max , loza,s sherman , t-34-85m , cromwell b , ac iv sentinel , pudel , y5 firefly , t-25 , matilida iv , t-34 shielded . kv-1 su-85l , matilida bp , angry connor , y5 t-34


    #1 Hamed1945, 3/29/23
    Last edited: 3/29/23
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