Sold [PRICECHECK] Praetorian account

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ki4ri, 3/11/25 at 5:53 AM.

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  1. /u/ki4ri

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    Hey guys, wondering if i should sell my account .. Any idea on what it would be worth ?

    IN Hangar

    - OC LTI Caterpillar pack with both dragonfly upgraded to ironclad + vulture + zeus CL (NON GIFTABLE 690$ melt)

    - Fury Twin pack OC LTI upgraded to legioinnaire + Paladin (GIFTABLE 405 $ Melt)

    - F8c Lightning (WING Commander Reward)

    - F8c lightning EXECUTIVE edition (Praetorian Reward)

    - SABRE RAVEN SC starter pack (2 month)

    - CHAIRMAN reward with SC + SQ 42 Starter pack

    - Zeus Solstice Paint

    - HH to Polaris 25$ upgrade GIFTABLE

    About 800$ in storecredit

    Bunch of luminalia gift / paint

    Bunch of sub flair

    CItizencon 2948 / 2949 / 2951 / 2952 /2954 goodies

    BIS 2951 paint Hercule + MPUV + Mercury

    BIS 2952 coin + carrack miniature

    BIS 2953 paint + poster for 600i + Vulture

    Chariman Level Praetorian, Current spending at 18 827


    OC with LTI

    - Ares Sword of fortitude pack (Ares ion + Ares Inferno)

    - Argo utility (SRV + Mpuv cargo + Mpuv personal )

    - Talon twin pack (Talon + Talon Shrike)

    - FURY MX + leatherback paint + Invictus flight jacket

    - CSV SM + Granite paint

    - C8R + Code Blue paint

    - Drake Vulture

    - Dragonfly Black

    - Ursa medic + Respite Paint

    - Liberator + condor paint

    - URSA Fortuna

    - Vulture

    Limited Sale Ship

    - Javelin (LTI)

    - Kraken standalone x2 (LTI)

    - Idris P (LTI)

    - Pioneer 2954 x2 (120 month)

    - EDIT ******* Mustang Alpha Vindicator ******* SOLD

    - 890 Jump (72 month)

    - Rsi Phoenix x2 (6month)

    - Hull E x4 (72 / 120 month)

    Componant / Addon

    - Idirs K kit warbond (LTI)

    - Aegis retaliator module CARGO F/R +TORPEDO F/R

    - Endeavor Module ALL x2

    - Galaxy Module ALL x2

    LTI Pack

    - Drake 2949 Complete Pack (LTI)

    - Exploration Mega Pack 2948 (starterpack + SQ42 +LTI)

    - Ground Militia (LTI)

    - Rough and Tumbril (LTI)

    Large price change Buyback (just in case ..)

    - 750$ Standalone Polaris IAE (120 month)

    - 250$ Hull C IAE (120 month)

    - 400$ Carrack IAE (72 month)

    Limited / Chairman / Subscriber / Event Paint

    Concept Only Paint

    - Arrastra nocturne x2

    - Galaxy Protector paint

    - Legionnaire Shadow Strike

    - Paladin Shadow Fall x6

    - Starlancer Sapphire citizencon limited x4

    - Expanse Stardust x2

    - Liberator Condor x2

    - Scorpius Stinger

    Fortuna Paint

    - Vanguard

    - Hammerhead

    - Redeemer

    - 600i

    - 400i

    - Mercury

    Invictus Paint

    - Retaliator

    - Aurora

    - Hercules

    Chairman Paint (currently in store )

    - Fury Blackstar x3

    - Fury Leatherback x2

    - Scorpius Tiburon x5

    - San’tok.yai Tuiping

    - Syulen Tao’moa

    - Ursa respite x3

    - Guardian Sovereign x2

    - Sabre Ashcloud x4

    - Sabre Starlight x4

    - Starlancer Mojave x3

    - Fortune Sunspot

    - Terrapin Felicity x5

    - C8 code blue

    Lunar new year Paint

    - 600i Auspicious red dragon

    - Sabre auspicious Red Monkey

    - 600i Auspicious Red Dog

    - Freelancer Auspicious Red Ram

    - Fortune Auspicious Red pig

    - Fortune Auspicious Red Snake

    Halloween Paint

    - Terrapin Purple Haze

    - Zeus Purple Haze

    Other Paint

    - Aurora UEE distinguished service

    - Aurora SXSW 2015

    SQ42 standalone pledge

    i didnt list all "standard" ship and upgrade in buyback that are sold every year in store but i have most of those who have been in sale since my account creation mid 2018


    # #/ki4ri
    # .
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