Sold [price reduced]s>asia 40ace 40wk 36rin 36 teo 30 karma( 38rin and 38teo soon)

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by asubstitute, 11/12/16.

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  1. asubstitute

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    getting lazy to promo it further, looking for about 400 for it.

    o4l :
    36teo(soon to be 38)

    4l :
    40 ace+2spare
    36 rin(soon to be 38)
    30 lubu +2spare

    36 dellons
    34 spike
    34 rachel
    1 kris + 1 jave 0 rudy

    6* accesories :
    2x 30% crit
    1x 20% lethal

    easily 1.5mil damage on auto for lv99raids raid teams done
    ranging from 4.6-5k arena rating with the free entries

    looking for 400sgd, meet up or via playerup middleman. once again thanks playerup for letting me use their site to advertise my account, cheers
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