Selling Price Down To 225$! Selling Vip13, Level 108 Account. Best Offer - Check Details

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IhsanOnal, 3/4/18.

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  1. IhsanOnal

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    My Location:
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    THE PRICE IS DOWN TO 225$!!!
    First come, first serve.

    VIP 13, level 108 account. Here are the details:
    AHP 2.480k
    69 Max trained (All max trained heroes except 2-3 heroes have all academy skills as well, including 1mio resources skills of PO & BW)
    All heroes camp buildings are level 6 except market place level 5 and training field level 45.
    63 R4 heroes, 40 R2 heroes. Others R1, R and mostly O2. Legendary heroes have their L.
    Got many level 109-110 items from guild raids, almost ready for those levels already.
    430M gold & 10.000+ gems
    300+ Almighty Soul Stones, 841 red - 1251 orange fragments
    246704 xp
    TF, Tarot and Mani have skins.
    1 mio+ lumber, 1 mio + ore and 350k+ mercury stored in Lucky Clover, Valentine Packages & Holiday Gifts in order to be used when release of WH7.

    First server of my account was server 41. Then I moved to server 31 and finally server 30.
    4 good guilds in this server, the account is in guild "Miracle". I am officer but when I sell the account, the title will be removed. Arena friendly server; after RT people lower teams. I'm at GMT3+ and always get GA1, only 1 or 2 days per month I get GA2. Linked with a fake Facebook. account to get 1000 gems per day.

    Line ID: drizzt1980 for more questions & screenshots of the account.
    The price is #. Only for sale.
    #1 IhsanOnal, 4/4/18
    Last edited: 3/14/18
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