Sold Price Check on Gil + Selling Gil Soon on NA Server.

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nekromantia, 12/30/16.

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  1. Nekromantia

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    Hey guys, just starting out FFXIV and I notice most these gil buyers and sellers don't seem to specify a price like in other games so it is hard to get a grasp on the market. (You're welcome to inbox me if you're afraid of your prices getting out to the public.)

    Lowest I've seen an actual price for seems kinda old and was $17 per million, is that an accurate estimate?

    Also as I'm looking to get into the market, looking for potential buyers for the near future.

    I was looking at joining one of the more populated NA servers that doesn't have creation restrictions but haven't settled on one yet. So also interested in hearing where there's a deficit in gil sellers.

    Thanks for any help and/or future purchases.
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