Red Team (694 K), click the following link for photos: Red Dream Team Blue Team (689 K), click the following link for photos: Blue Dream Team Green Team (690 K), click the following link for photos: Green Dream Team Club #1 / Level: 20 Got 8 dreamfest players Many players are limit breaked Got 30 % teamskill in all colors. (you can tweak teamskill and get 35 % for certain players on the field) Got 3 good keepers for all colors: New Red Genzo / New Blue Salinas / New Green Wakashimazu Got 2 removable cards available Got around 80 K online medals which you can use to buy SSR balls later on. Got a full SR team maxed coaches for road usage... For more information Whatsapp: +961 71 733 435 Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
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UPDATE: --------- Red team has become 699k. I have also uploaded some photos that show the power of Napoleon and Schneider shots during the game, as well as 2 photos that shows Wakabayashi's catch power to shot from inside and outside the box. Click the following link for photos: Saves - Shots
UPDATE: --------- My Napoleon has just received a new SSR ball. He is now at S16 Canon Burst Shot (284 momentum)
UPDATE: --------- My Napoleon has just received another SSR ball and 3 SR balls. He is now at: S17 Canon Burst Shot (286 momentum) A22 Straight-Line Dribble (200 momentum)
UPDATE: --------- Red Team (699 K) Blue Team (693 K) Green Team (692 K) (Today my Dreamfest player Blue Nitta received more ability break for his shot and power. His shot is now maxed limit break, while power is at 10)
IMPORTANT UPDATE: ---------------------- I have just pulled the new Alberto, who gives my green team a 15% buff to South American players! Now I have a 35% for South American players on my green team, and guess what? I have Super Dreamfest Santana on the team, and I also have the True Ace Diaz with a 270 momentum Twin Drive shot. My Green Team is now at 708 K! and it has become super powerful. I believe Super Dreamfest Santana will be unstoppable with the 35% buff and the limit break he already has for the shot. This is why the price has just changed from $750 to $800.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: ---------------------- I have just pulled the new Blue Santana who gives a 10% buff to blue / 15% buff to South American blue. My blue team has become 704 K (and I haven't yet evolved nor maxed the new Santana)... I guess I will hit 715 K when I do that. This new character adds an amazing option to my blue team: now I can use the buff 30% all blue / 35% south American blue... and guess who my blue keeper is? Yep, it is the new blue Salinas. Salinas with a 35% buff is going to be a pain in the neck for strikers. Now my teams are at: Red: 703 K Blue: 703 K Green: 708 K
All of my three teams have now many buff options: Red: ----- * 35% red Japanese * 35% red Europeans * 30% red Europeans / Japanese Blue: ----- * 35% blue Japanese * 35% blue Europeans * 35% blue South Americans * 30% blue Green: ------- * 35% green South Americans * 35% green Europeans * 30% green... The price has just gone up to $900.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: ---------------------- Red dreamfest Diaz has been pulled recently. This is a great addition to my red team. I haven't maxed him out completely yet. Once he is maxed, and he receives some ability limit break, my red team would hit 720 K easily. Also, red Ramon Victorino with 50% auto-interception has been added to the red team. His passive skill always comes in handy in online games. Same matter, green Natureza with 50% auto-interception has been added to the green team. He is not maxed yet. Ramon and Natureza are recent additions, so they are both not maxed yet.
I have put many pics up there (Dropbox) and if you need updated pictures, contact me over WhatsApp. It's easier to share photos there.
It's 100% clean... And I said the price is #; I didn't say there was a 70% #. :p $300 is ridiculously cheap for my account.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: ---------------------- Wakabayashi received some blackballs: Perfect SGGK Catch: S 26 Super Catch: A 51 With my 35% buff for red Japanese, my keeper is now quite a wall.