How to Report a Dispute Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated. 1. Date Dispute Happened May 22, 2024 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller Buyer 3. Total Transaction Value $40 USD 4. Other Parties Username @jinxedservices 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment I wanted to purchase through Playerup but he insisted through Paypal 6. Other Parties Email Addresses - 7. Other Parties Payment Email Address - 8. Other Parties Messenger Username Cobra 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below This user tried to scam me with his new account on Playerup and is evading his site ban with an alt account. His original banned account: His current account: Servers to join to see his Jinxed & Cobra account together: He's a pathological liar with trying to convince Admins of the site to turn the situation on me (Also, he used ChatGPT to write it lol): Screenshots listed below are my proof of my claims that this person trying to scam again on this site and me with a new account. He avoids using Playerup features of a safe trade, insist y'all double the charges and taxes, and he invites people from here and convinces them to verify through his scam # to steal their accounts. Please keep everyone safe on this site from this Pakistani scammer. He makes lots of threads offering different services here and people likely to fall for it by a person that was already banned from this site for the same repeating offense .
firstly, i never even posted the server on site how am i supposed to sell it the, i clearly to wait for 4 days as if i post a thread, as it takes sometime to verify, after that i couldve sold it to her, but she love you talked me out when i told her, ive sold it before her and was crying about this is a scam, as about the mommymilker server, you are clearly blind to see that its a restorecord verify link not a scam server, you have no idea what your talking about i will provide you full screenshots after she unblocks me, because ive cleared all of my dms, 2ndly you open a ticket saying i never delivered. miss how the hell am i supposed to deliver your products when i never even agreed to purchase it, nor i even purchased it from you. You have no idea what your talking about. 1. I Never Even Recieved Payment From You ( so how is this a scam?) 2. Your Just Pissed Off Because You Didnt Get The Server. 3. How The Heck Do You Think A Is A # Link, Its An Auth Link To Backup Members, you just opened the report without 0 knowledge and didnt even mind searching what restorecord is on google/youtube. 4. Your Accusation Is Wrong That Im Scamming, There Are A Million People With The Name Cobra Or Anything, so that means a person with anme cobra scammed you earlier and you see a guy with the cobra username in my chat earlier so that means i am a scammer? 5. You Didnt provide full screenshots where i clealy mentioned that you can buy it after i put it up on playerup. 6. Your Just A Racist love you For Calling Me A Pakistani Scammer, Playerup staff is not racist like you, and theyre wise to know that pakistano people are good aswell. 7. you said this person has many threads to scam? miss how the heck can you accuse me when you didnt even try to buy it. 8. Im Dedicated To Selling, That Why I Paid this site literally 20$ just to get me verifed and allow me selling. 9. Ask Anyone On My Discord Server If I Scammed Anyone, 1 Report And You Can Ban My Account.
Also i forgot to mention, if you need any proof that i actually give/have the products i sell please let me know, i send you screenshots, weather its the early supporter accounts, discord servers, discord vanities, boosts , members or anything else, i will do it you. This message is for playerup staff only.
I Almost Forgot To Mention, My Website is made after i paid 165$ to a designer, im not low to scam for 40$ after i literally paid 4x the amount just on my website, unlike you im a dedicated seller who actually knows what products he sells .
You make an excessive amount of contradicting comments to the point nothing you say is coherent. Only answer a single yes or no question for the Admin & I please. Is this not your previous account that got banned? Pretty sure evading an Admin final ruling with a new account is against Playerup policies.
This Person's Name Is OnlyCobra Not LORD COBRA, I bought all of his items which includes his 1 server,early supporter badge account and his 18m bb account all for total of 200$ as Early For 110$, server for 50$ and 49$ for his boosting badge account, he was an older friend of mine who told me that he sold his stuff on playerup, after buying he told me that he quit because his account was banned from playerup, when i found out he was scamming, my good A$$ was the one who got his discord server termed. So My Simple Answer Is NO. Your Just Pissed You Couldnt Get The Server And I Sold It, Please Grow Up.
I do not need to send proof and all stuff but sure why not. Also Try Not Be Racist, That Wont Make You Win The Case
further more i dont just sell stuff on playerup, i sell on many various sties which i wont tell so i wouldnt get banned from here, i don't just sell products to you i have many of my old a previous clients added aswell
Thanks for confirming it was you doing the scamming on your previous account and making a new account to evade the ban after getting the prior banned. I'm done with you. I don't want to see any notifications from this thread.
Send Me Proof It Was Me,Must Be A Legitimate Screenshot? You Got My Account Suspended For A Reason That Product Never Delivered, How The Hell Did I Do That When I Never Even Sold It, @Admin @Moderator @Disputes @Middleman Please Look Into This, This Woman Has Absolutely No Brains At All Respectfully. Please Remove The Suspension On My Account .
yeah sorry, ill tell you myself she wont, i messaged everyone with proof not to deal with her with a legitimate reason unlike she false accused me, she says that im harrasing her and she will report me even further, here are the thread details below : On God I Will And I Am Loyal To This Platform. I've Got A 41k Member Discord Server Which Im Going To Sell Here For alot Of Money For TO Prove Myself Aswell.