Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Much-Parfait4847, 12/6/24.

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  1. /u/Much-Parfait4847

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    ⚡ Offering PRESTIGE SKINS accounts: IN STOCK: Spirit Blossom teemo Mecha Kingdoms Garen Prestige Soul fighter Shaco

    Accounts are full access handleveled and haven't been played on for a while. Some have lots of champ shards some don't DM for more info - accepted PayPal.

    Also In stock: 8 Skins Yasuo Main account

    Accounts are from LAN/LAS server - very cheap to transfer if you're not in that region DM me for more info/tips and tricks.

    CHEAP! LOOK BELOW⚡ * PRESTIGE SHACO + ELEMENTALIST LUX + LOTS OF CHAMP SHARDS IN LOOT League of Legends | SKINS [79] | Сhampions [94] | LVL [270] * PRESTIGE SPIRIT BLOSSOM TEEMO League of Legends | SKINS [24] | Сhampions [52] | LVL [99] * SOUL FIGHTER SAMIRA League of Legends | SKINS [39] | Сhampions [89] | LVL [168] * 8 YASUO SKINS - PERFECT YASUO ACCOUNT + LOTS OF CHAMP SHARDS IN LOOT League of Legends | SKINS [65] | Сhampions [75] | LVL [196] * PRESTIGE MECHA KINDOMS GAREN 3 ULTIMATE 80 CHAMP SHARDS 14 LEGENDARY SKINS League of Legends | SKINS [79] | Сhampions [91] | LVL [331] *

    Can go first and give the account if you're VEarY reputable.

    Can sell All in bulk 40€ or in exchange for stacked RP account on EUNE server 5€ accs each with prestige skins post above

    SPECIAL EUNE Prestige KDA All Out KAI'SA account for sale 100+ champs 10k BE 59 SkinsEUNE Prestige KDA All Out KAI'SA account for sale 100+ champs 10k BE 59 Skins

    Price 15€


    Only PayPal accepted. Or skrill for orders over 25€

    Discord: schwarzy1522 Over 50 accounts sold this is the last of my stock

    # #/Much-Parfait4847
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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