Selling  1-48 Hours Premium seller clash of clans trainer

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Boosting | COC Powerleveling for Sale' started by Bmp the account, 10/6/18.

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  1. Bmp the account

    Bmp the account
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    I will teach following strategy with lifetime support. Each strategy cost you about 5 dollars.i train you 2 days then you pay me. Payment through middleman skrill or PayPal direct:
    Th 9 lava loon
    Th 8 mass Dragon with lightning and quake
    Th 7 drag
    Th 6 below hogs and giant archer with cc lure
    Th 10 mass valk with queen walk
    Th11 queen walk bowitch

    I can try teaching you a custom strategy for war and free feedback of war attacks for lifetime.

    I can always check your war attacks and give feedback.

    I have played in tough and competitive clans and if you want to learn how to do war attacks professionally I can help you.

    If you have questions feel free to contact me.

    I will take payment if you are able to learn or full refund.
    #1 Bmp the account, 10/6/18
    Last edited: 10/7/18
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  2. PlayerUp

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