Account Details; LvL 95, Max Prestige 15 Currently have 5 million coin, 221 gem, 9461 Arena Blood gems 17 Titles unlocked, 13 Frame unlocked Fully active and friendship lvl friend list In a top tier raiding guild. Farming raid 2. All maxed buildings including gem cavern. Tower of Souls All 50 floors and trials completed. 35 head, 38 helm, 38 accessory, 49 vanity raid 1 token ready to be collected. These are extra tokens. Already got multiple raid sets on heroes. Champion also has new raid 2 set fully optimized. All sets are in correct suffixes. Heroes ; Red Riding Hood x1 , Snow White x2 both jobs, Gwen MLB, Kane lvl 38, Rhea both jobs, both properly talented, Dragoon lvl 38, Arthur x1 Merlin x1 Nimue x1 lvl 38, Aladdin x1 Lancelot both jobs, berserker lvl 38, Victoria x1, Altima x1, Taegen x1 , Emilia x 1 Leon x1 full tp, Matilda x1, Rem both jobs, Eliza x1, Ronan, x1 Siena x1 Kahuna x1 All Valiants unlocked. Premium heroes ZOEY Elemental, CASSANDRA Assassin and CASSANDRA Magebane included. Heroes above are all 5 stars and maxed out lvl and jobs. A lot of 5 star capable copy heroes, lvl birds included. Items; Nearly every worthwhile 6 star Equipment is included. All maxed enhanced and correct suffixes. Almost every 5 star sets and items included and enhanced to max. Special bundle items, event items, Premium Evil Eye Insignia Lvl 20 and all other insignias new or old included. 6 star fury runes x3 5 star fury runes x6 included. 5 star Doubleastrike Fury and 4* Vampire Fury Rune included. Plus bunch of Defence, mag, crit runes are included. Many potions,event items job keys unused, enhance kits available. Easily Achive Master and above Rank, Can Clear Master Nodes with ease. One in a lifetime chance to own this premium account. Have fun and Thank you.