Sold Premium EU Hearthstone account. 130+ legendaries. 26k+ dust

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Amo_EU, 4/30/19.

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  1. Amo_EU

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    Selling my EU Blizzard account that I own from the Naxxramas expansion. Due to a very demanding job, I don't have time to play anymore. The account was never owned by any other person except me. So I try to sell it in the lowest possible price in order to have a fast transaction. I have spent real money in this game in the past and this is how all this content I will type down is achieved.

    The account can provide everything you need to ascend in the game. It has more than 130 legendaries (without counting doubles) in which you will find all the competitive ones for both standard and wild until even the newest expansion. Tell me if you need to send you screenshot with every page of the legendaries in my collection, I don't want spam them all here so you can read the post. Also, of course there are all the epics, commons and uncommon that people play in constructed. Moreover, with more than 26k dust you can craft everything you need in many future expansions.

    Some features and stats:

    - 64 card backs

    - 6 hero portraits other than the starter

    - 1,5k+ gold (spent my gold to get all the needed cards of the latest expansion - with all the dust provided you won't need gold...).

    - Never used illegal programs, so no ban risk!

    Heroes and played stats: Total wins 4300+, Arena wins 390+, all heroes lvl 60 except priest, more or less half done the golden portrait wins for each hero (ask for details but I think you need to have a challenge to play the game and with this you will have all the cards/dust to win...)

    Read how the transaction is made in this site. There is no way that I can fraud you, I just need a safe transaction. You can change the email after you buy the account and in this way you can lock it.
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