Sold Premium account, elite, engineers, 2b assets, 350m balance, corvette, conda

Discussion in 'Elite Dangerous Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by thxiworkout, 9/9/18.

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  1. thxiworkout

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    This is a very powerful account. It has several perks and upgrades that very few accounts have, such as:
    -exhaustive set of engineered internals, utilities, and weapons.
    -fully grade 5 engineered corvette and fer-de-lance
    -engineered weapons include efficient burst laser, efficient and overcharged pulse laser, overcharged multi-cannons. All sizes (medium and up), multiple of each size.
    -full set of engineered shield boosters, including multiple resistance augmented, multiple thermal resistance, and multiple heavy duty
    -full set of engineered heat weapons: heat pulse lasers and heat pack hounds
    -3 useful and rare powerplay weapons: imperial hammers, advanced plasma accelerators, pack hound missiles. Multiple of each type (5+).
    -grade 5 FSD and thrusters with good rolls on multiple sizes.
    -all rank 5 engineers necessary for full upgrades, and many rare and hard to obtain engineering materials/data
    -All ships, weapons, and internals conveniently located at same station in the middle of the bubble

    2 billion worth, 350 million current assets
    85 USD spent on cosmetics (gold anaconda, gold fer-de-lance, midnight black skins, FDL tactical, clipper vibrant, python pirate, several bobbleheads including alphabets/numbers)
    Combat: Elite
    Trade: Tycoon (94%)
    Federation rank: Rear admiral
    Empire rank: Baron (85%)
    Ship list: federal corvette, anaconda, 2x python, 2x Fer-de-lance, orca, imperial clipper, federal assault ship, asp explorer, diamond back scout, imperial courier, vulture, imperial eagle, cobra Mk3 and viper Mk3
    It has two pythons and two fer-de-lances. All ships and internals were bought at 15% # in LYR space. Taking this # into effect, the net worth of the account is effectively 2.3b. Since all ships, internals and weapons are located at the same station it will be very easy for you to customize the ships however you want. You probably won't even have to leave the station to get the exact loadout you want.

    The only thing the account is missing is the imperial cutter.

    Asking price is 500 USD (#). Send offers or requests for more information to thxiworkout at gmail

    #1 thxiworkout, 9/9/18
    Last edited: 9/9/18
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