*Gabo_Gab here* *Hello, i wanna sell All my Accs. cause i dont play anymore Gunz, so I wanna sell all my Accs.* 1. I accept only Paypal buying. 2. And only send with Gift. 3. You muss go first. 4. For Transactions u muss add me MSN . 5. Post in this Threade first if u want buy. ~That is my Account list~ = Unlimited = Special [R] = Ranged Account 1. LvL 86 and 63 [[SOLD]] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Account 2. LvL 41 and 4 {5$} ---> No Prems only quest Account. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Account 3. ( from aZnExQuiZiT ) LvL 53 {8$} Republic gun Prist Set Dark Karma and 22 G. coin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Account 4. LvL 31 {2$} --->No Prems only Quest Account. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Account 5. LvL 63 {15$} [[SOLD]] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact me for more information and for buying, MSN : Lol can you provide some pics of the lvl 86 and 63 premlist please ? Hehe, similar format to aZnExQuiZiT's thread ;P. Could you put if male or female etc ? Nice account shop ;P Somehow it looks quite similar to a format I've seen somewhere, wonder which thread it is in.. Hmmm /sarcasm. lols! LVL 86 NO SQ he wana sell acc with no sq. Don't trust him [/QUOTE] Originally Posted by cygan LVL 86 NO SQ he wana sell acc with no sq. Don't trust him [/QUOTE] wtf...? i say i havnt SQ cause that is my friends Acc. and not that acc. havent SQ -.- ---------- Post added 12-09-2009 at 09:48 AM ---------- Originally Posted by aZnExQuiZiT Nice account shop ;P Somehow it looks quite similar to a format I've seen somewhere, wonder which thread it is in.. Hmmm /sarcasm. lols! and ty ^_^ Intrested . ---------- Post added 12-09-2009 at 10:13 AM ---------- Such a waste of time . Cant provide proof of the lvl 86 , 63 , he wants me to go first , dont want to use a middleman , saying : [ i dont use middlemans , i dont trust them ] , after 5 minutes he asks me : [ what is a middleman ] , then i was like wtf man o.o . So yeah dont bother with him . Plus hes english is at hes feet . Rep if i helped or woke you up about the situation .