Prem/no Prem gunz IJJI Accs.

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/29/14.

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  1. Games

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    *Gabo_Gab here*

    *Hello, i wanna sell All my Accs. cause i dont play anymore Gunz,

    so I wanna sell all my Accs.*

    1. I accept only Paypal buying.

    2. And only send with Gift.

    3. You muss go first.

    4. For Transactions u muss add me MSN .

    5. Post in this Threade first if u want buy.

    ~That is my Account list~

    = Unlimited

    = Special

    [R] = Ranged

    Account 1.

    LvL 86 and 63 [[SOLD]]


    Account 2.

    LvL 41 and 4 {5$}

    ---> No Prems

    only quest Account.


    Account 3.

    ( from aZnExQuiZiT )

    LvL 53 {8$}

    Republic gun Prist Set

    Dark Karma

    and 22 G. coin


    Account 4.

    LvL 31 {2$}

    --->No Prems

    only Quest Account.


    Account 5.

    LvL 63 {15$}



    Contact me for more information and for buying,

    MSN :

    Lol can you provide some pics of the lvl 86 and 63 premlist please ;) ?

    Hehe, similar format to aZnExQuiZiT's thread ;P.

    Could you put if male or female etc ?

    Nice account shop ;P

    Somehow it looks quite similar to a format I've seen somewhere, wonder which thread it is in.. Hmmm /sarcasm.


    LVL 86 NO SQ he wana sell acc with no sq. Don't trust him


    Originally Posted by cygan

    LVL 86 NO SQ he wana sell acc with no sq. Don't trust him



    i say i havnt SQ cause that is my friends Acc. and not that acc. havent SQ -.-

    ---------- Post added 12-09-2009 at 09:48 AM ----------

    Originally Posted by aZnExQuiZiT

    Nice account shop ;P

    Somehow it looks quite similar to a format I've seen somewhere, wonder which thread it is in.. Hmmm /sarcasm.


    and ty ^_^

    Intrested .

    ---------- Post added 12-09-2009 at 10:13 AM ----------

    Such a waste of time . Cant provide proof of the lvl 86 , 63 , he wants me to go first , dont want to use a middleman , saying : [ i dont use middlemans , i dont trust them ] , after 5 minutes he asks me : [ what is a middleman ] , then i was like wtf man o.o . So yeah dont bother with him . Plus hes english is at hes feet . Rep if i helped or woke you up about the situation :) .
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