Selling Povar Member of Triality 85 Male Vah Shir...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/22/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    Povar Member of Triality 85 Male Vah Shir Beastlord AA Points: 4051 Veteran AA Points: 6 Describe Veteran Rewards: 5 vet active 1 pending LDON Points: 500 Tradeskills: pottery 295 jewelery 128 brewing 300 smithing 161 tailoring 175 baking 300 Flag/Key List: flagged keyed up to last expansion Epic: Epic 2.0 Do You Have Magelo or EQ Player Profile: Yes Magelo or EQPlayer Profile Link: eq.magelo/profile/1415271 Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared) Describe All Characters Equipment: How Many Alts over Level 50?: Alternate Character Server: Xegony Alternate Character Level: 80 Alternate Character Class: Paladin Characters Transferrable?: Yes Expansions: All but latest 130000 Bristlebane There are a few other smaller char on the account 83 Male Vah Shir Beastlord AA Points: 2879 Veteran AA Points: 5 LDON Points: 1400 Tradeskills: 300 Tailoring, 300 Brewing, 270 Baking, 200+ all others Flag/Key List: Crystallos, MMM, VT, PoTime, Tacvi, Epic: Epic 2.5 Do You Have Magelo or EQ Player Profile: Yes Magelo or EQPlayer Profile Link: Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Uber Equipment (Fully Geared) Describe All Characters Equipment: How Many Alts over Level 50?: Characters Transferrable?: Yes Expansions: All 80000 Bertoxxulous and still have a lot of playing room. Account has great selection of classes. 85 Male Troll Shadow Knight AA Points: 1600 LDON Points: Tradeskills: Flag/Key List: Solteris, TSS, MMM, Crystallos raid, CoA,Demi, DK Epic: Epic 2.0 Do You Have Magelo or EQ Player Profile: No Magelo or EQPlayer Profile Link: Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared) Describe All Characters Equipment: How Many Alts over Level 50?: Characters Transferrable?: Yes Expansions: 15 of 15 200000 Povar chanter has most high lvl spells 73 Male Troll Shadow Knight AA Points: 200 LDON Points: Tradeskills:...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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