Postal Service Investigation Bypasses. Free Tricks/Tips for US/CAN/UK!

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by lordofthelies, 7/24/17.

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  1. lordofthelies

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    If you're afraid of being investigated for MAIL FRAUD or something along the lines of that? Read Below!

    Here's just a few tricks that work perfectly! (Not exactly perfect, the more the item is worth, the more the risk increases)

    Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything you do with my information. All information is hypothetical and should be taken as learning information... for school.

    If shipping is received through any government-ran postal service, it's safer to avoid being investigated by them for just about any reason.
    Feds will be feds, and they need to be fed...

    Moving on-

    The Ghost/Uncle Steve:

    Most online orders have a menu right before you confirm checkout, sometimes before or after payment info is input.
    In that menu is an option to change the address, name, apartment number, etc.
    All we need here, is to change to a different first name, (same surname/lastname) on each order when checking out- use same address.
    The purchase and card/paypal info will still be in your name, but nobody but you and the seller will know that-usually confidential.
    Keeping the same family name reduces red flags, the ghost of your dead relative ordered it, you swear. If not dead yet, then blame uncle Steve! He can't be arrested, uncle Steve was just visiting from Norway and you ordered the item in his name for his departing gift that never arrived!

    The Wife & Kid(s):

    This one is alot like the one above, just change name before confirming an online order.
    If your name is (example) Alex Jones. Change it to Alexandria Jones, then claim your pregnant/crippled wife never received her item.
    Ordering a "girly" coloured item can reduce flags, if they can somehow see records of you not being married, claim your wife is a refugee and neither of you could afford an official wedding. Especially can't afford it now with the item being gone that she needed for college?
    If you get desperate, 9 months later use your invisible made-up sons name "Alex Jones Jr.". Those Babies R US gift cards are missing!!!

    The Trusty Neighbour/Delivery Person:
    This requires the most effort out of the three.

    If all else fails, and you feel like taking a light risk,get to know your neighbour next door, and/or delivery person (if you order often).
    Approach your neighbour when given the chance, pretend you saw your 'dumb kid's cat crawl under his/her car', take a look, then be sure to mention your name, maybe invite them over for food at odd hours to assure they won't come over.
    Do it a few times, maybe even give him a made-up business card for some made-up daycare that your made-up wife does out of the garage in your home.
    After a while, be sure you're certain your neighbour knows your name.
    Now this one is only slightly different than the two above.
    Before confirming checkout, change your shipping address to your neighbours house but keep your name on it!
    Be sure to order the item on a Saturday to increase the chances of the item arriving during a weekday. (Easily obtained if living in apt/flat)
    Also might want to start with something cheap from ebay to test the honesty/attentiveness of your neighbour, just in case they get the package and decided to keep it or return to sender rather than give it to you.
    Most items have tracking, so just check tracking daily, when the item is in a town close by or in the same state, it usually gets to you next day!
    Once marked as delivered, knock on your neighbours door and ask if they've seen any packages with your name on it. Claim that "stupid mail man, mailed my books to your address by mistake".
    If you're lucky the item is still outside, take a look at it together, show them your name on it, then walk off laughing about the whole situation.

    To avoid all the socialising, you may be lucky with the deliver person, one that knows your name and brings it to your address rather than the address on package (thinking it was a mistake he/she likely will just leave it at your door instead), if under investigation, it would show up as your neighbours address, meaning you should not be liable for a missing package. (FedEx & DHL are popular for making this mistake.)
    It is crucial to really avoid contact on delivery day with delivery person if they know you.

    Results on imgur : <not allowed to post links> :(


    Three FREE ideas from the brain of myself, lordofthelies, enjoy. If used, post back results, apologies in advance if this was posted terribly or if mistakes were made. I haven't slept much and have been waking up with these ideas and have been writing them down. I had to log back in several times due to inactivity whilst typing this. Off to get some much needed sleep, will check back in the morning-err afternoon... :dwug:.
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