Port Forwarding Rumble Fighter

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Port forwarding rumble fighter will decrease your lag..

    1). Log into Rumble Fighter

    2). Go to your Command Prompt (Run>cmd)

    3). Type "Netstat -abn" in your command prompt (without the quotations)

    note* I'm using Windows XP. I don't know if its the same command for other OS's

    4). Find the TCP and UDP of rumble fighter.

    Eg. should say something like this:



    The 1663 is the port.

    The UDP is usually just 1 under it. In this case it would be 1662.

    5). Go to your default router website.

    EG. as the URL

    6). Look for Port Forwarding in the site.

    Mine is usually in Advanced>Port Forwarding

    7). Enter the name of the application (Rumble Fighter) Your IP Address and the TCP and UDP ports.

    8). Check the box and click save settings.


    Everytime you logg off and log back in the port will change.

    so your going to have to repeat all of this again everyimte you log on

    Thanks dude. I thought you had to have a static ip to forward ports so I canceled mine to enable the ipconfig /release stuff in cmd prompt. I'd +rep you I had rep power XD.

    'sall good.

    just want rf to stop lagging =_=

    Nice release. +rep.

    This will help reduce lag... yay!

    I already knew how to do this o-o." But nice releasing it tho :D

    Aw this doesn't work on Vista

    or you could go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]which has tutorials with pictures on how to portforward, as well as tells you how to get a static IP, so you don't have to do this every time you play RF.

    Nice release thanx hope this will fix my lag.

    nice release!

    I already made a tutorial about this x.x
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