Selling Pokemon Leveling and Catching Services!

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Boosting for Sale - Buy POGO Powerleveling' started by luyendngo, 7/23/16.

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  1. luyendngo

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    We do leveling services on your account, or if you want we can make one with your USERNAME of choice and INGAME name of choice.
    Level 1-10 $15
    Level 10-20 $70
    Level 20-25 $150

    $250 whole package: include the following Pokemons: Gyarados (1000+ candy), Dragonite (100+ candy), Arcanine (200+ Candy), and other water/grass pokemons. You will recieve over 200K stardust.

    We also sell accounts level 20 above with the following pokemons and stardust.

    Add me on skype. luyendngo
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