Don't buy an account, let me make one for you. Player level is the most important thing in the game. At higher levels you will get wild Pokemons with higher Combat Power (CP). Rarer and evolved Pokemons tend to show up at higher levels as well. The area where I live is diverse, it's near a park, the city and the water. You'll get a good variety of Pokemons. This will take a while, depending on the account level that you want. If you have questions, you can pm me on: K--i-k: gamehauz Skype: gamehauz1 Line: gamehauz Level 15 - $120 This is the level where wild Pokemons appear with good CP. Level 20+ (It depends, pm me on Skype, Line, or K---i--K) It all depends on the Pokemons that I'll get and their CP. For example, if you want a legit evolved Gyarados (Higher CP) then I have to catch almost 100 Magikarps, that'll take a long time and the price will be higher as well. I'll show you the screens and we'll talk about the price. This is an example account, which is also for sale. $120 - Dropbox - TeamPika777 I haven't played this account for 24 hours, that's enough time to transfer the game safely. It's like you've taken a plane ride from my area to yours.