Selling PM ME FOR OFFERS LOOKING for 400+ minimum. Thanks...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/2/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    PM ME FOR OFFERS LOOKING for 400+ minimum. Thanks #NAME? BW 40/45 RP 40/40 WH 27/30" "Wts 81 sh, 82 wp ""Karak Norn" Squig Herder Full off sov 5/6 Tyrant 2 glyphs few DF Both royal weapons Few collosus tallies (10 r. crit) and Yamanu tor Stag mantle aroun 1k gold Also few toons 40 Sorc Karak Azgal Warrior Priest Full heal sov around 350 g few DF I can trade account for 80+ WL !" "Wts many characters same account norn ""WTS: Many characters on the same account" This account is on norn: Bw: 60rr 40xp wp: 47rr 40xp ib : 45rr 40xp sw: 45rr 38xp sl : 40rr 40xp am: 38rr 40xp wh: 31rr 40xp wl: 32xp" "Wts kotbs 87 +bw 69 + many character ""Default WTS Kotbs rr87" permalink Main on the account is rr87 Knight. NORN Has full off and def sov rr81 weapons collusus shield 4 glyphs Melee and Magic absorb. Basically everything you'd expect from a well loved and well played toon. On same account is rr83 Chosen. AZGAL Full off sov On the same account comes: Norn BW rr 69ish. Mixture of tyrant / warlord gear. Has warlord staff WP. think he's rr50ish. Has LoTD backpiece ofc. No glyphs. R 40 IB. Has sandstorm 2h Mixture of lowbies. Azgal All of these are r40 of course. rr54ish DoK. No Glyphs rr50ish SH. No glyphs rr45ish Shammy. Same as above. rr30ish Marauder." GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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