Sup com, I want to sell my endgame Valkyrie Connect Lv. 70 Account with ~3,7 mio. complete PS. About the Account: - like I already said it has a complete PS of around 3,7 mio. PS and it's still growing lol - max Lv. 70 - nearly all collab heroes including special collab heroes like Kula & Valkyrie Miku - many Star Party and Moon Party Heroes including Noa & Urd (sadly no Etricia atm but I'm trying to get her) - special Summon Heroes like Rita, Beatrix & Zweilie - 87 max orbed Heroes - all Heroes - excluding Connect Bosses - are 5* and Lv. 70 - around 1k of Gear including 1*, 2*, 3* & 4* EXP Knifes & Rings and 3* reforge Knifes & Rings and many costumes for Heroes - around 1,1k Quick Tickets in the Giftbox and 999 in the Inventory - around 5k Stamia in the Giftbox - 30-Day Pass for daily 300 Stamia, 30 Quick Tickets and 100 Gems - the Account is in Arena Group 1 and can easily stay in the top 10 for free Gems Heroes I've awakend: Skuld Thrud Brunhilde Fei Lang Zato Sasha Litany Asuka Rei Odin Gullveig Mirka Verdandi Canon Risa Chun-Li right now im farming the stuff to awake gYmir and Thor too If you're interested and you want to see pics just let me know! We can Chat here, via Discord or via Gmail. bussi xoxo