Mk, so i got #. I'm not going to tell you the info but my IGN was ZeroRespect. And luckily I didn't log off the OGP Launcher so luckily I can still get on, but somehow the hacker changed my security question and my password. So I'm gonna ask if anyone know how to find out your new password or the new security question and answer. I still have all my items, but not for long, the hacker is going to sell my stuff and I'll be naked. So I would like to request you to help me. And don't flame because I made this topic to get some help, not to get flamed and be called NOOB. um. . . not much anybody can help you. but if you want revenge, just bann the account b4 he sells all your stuff. Try asking OGP Help Desk(lulz) or something. I'm waiting for the Help Desk's reply, but I doubt they're gonna get my account back. They probably will think I will make a new account and buy more astros to get them some money. =/ I think if you stay logged in on RF, then they can't login, so you could just leave your RF on and be afk. Not sure if this works though. Yea it works, I couldn't log on before when he was f******* around with my account. So your safe for what 2 hours? nope longer. i dont think the sell function fixed yet.