Sold PlayStation account 60+ Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by Lee Halpin, 9/11/24.

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  1. Lee Halpin

    Lee Halpin
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    My Location:
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    Selling my PlayStation account
    Includes over 60 Games. All games are the ultimate/digital deluxe/ or game of years editions. Apart from games not having such edition!!

    £105 balance will be included as normal on the account

    Aliens fireteam elite
    Battlefield 2042

    Call of duty cold war

    call of duty mw 2019

    call of duty mw2

    call of duty mw3

    Cod 4 remastered

    Call of duty vanguard

    Fc 24

    Destruction all stars

    God of war ragarok

    god of war

    gran turismo 7

    GTA v

    GTA 3

    gta vice city

    GTA San Andreas

    Hell divers 2

    hell divers

    Horizon forbidden west

    Horizon zero dawn

    Infamous second son

    infamous first light

    Killzone shadow fall

    spiderman 2

    spiderman miles morales

    spiderman remastered


    Metro exodus

    Pacific drive

    Predator hunting grounds

    Ratchet and clank


    siants row reboot

    Sack boy a big adventure

    Last of us

    last of us remastered

    last of us part 1

    last us part 2

    last of part 2 remastered

    Last of us left behind

    Until dawn

    the order 1886

    Uncharted ps4 collection

    uncharted ps5 collection

    The forest


    Stalker collection

    also including £105 wallet balance

    and all games include all dlc and add ons where purchased

    most games are ultimate or digital deluxe versions apart from if not possible
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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