The account have been a project and not for a social project, the account have been running trough an server with the same ip the entire time so it should have not raised any red flags, i were not social or anything on the account, i didnt trade or anything that would put the account at risk, the account was mainly for different projects i do within torn, i have many more accounts in progress that are done in about 2 years. the projects i do includes nothing that brings attention, its just to see how rigged the game really is and how much it really favors newer people, new accounts = higher chance of reward that's for sure. with all the high security torn have i cant show you much to prove about the account atm but if your interested and you got reputation we can always change that and i can live share or whatever you request. the account have high end property, with about 1.6b of torn cash. no friends or social connections in the game other then a marriage for merits to a person i never speak too. ive spent close to 6 years to build this account so im not quite sure what its worth, but your saving 5.5 years of your life by buying this account in education which gives a massive boost and unlocks a lot. i will give you the email for the account too so everything you need to properly secure the account is all yours. so lets start with 100$ ---