Selling Player ID: 2006005336 Selling: Snowstorm...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vincent Tong, 9/16/12.

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  1. Vincent Tong

    Vincent Tong
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    Player ID: 2006005336 Selling: Snowstorm Dragon=2 EP preemp (4) x 2 = 2EP each lust trap necro x 2 = 1EP each white wing collosus A+ (Heal) = 4EP psycho down x 2 = 2EP impulse down = 2EP Buying: Attack up (4) stacks or 5x attack up= 1ep Covert Down (4) stacks or 5x Covert down= 2EP
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Shane Raniere

    Shane Raniere
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    Interested in a L.T. Necromancer
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  3. OP
    Shane Raniere

    Shane Raniere
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    Ally spots filled. cant get in to trade.
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  4. OP
    Vincent Tong

    Vincent Tong
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    I have an open spot. Give me your ID number
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  5. OP
    Vincent Tong

    Vincent Tong
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    I'll send trade as soon as you message me or you give me your ID number so I can add you. Thanks
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  6. OP
    Shane Raniere

    Shane Raniere
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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