Sold PLASMA 7 (almost 8) with T11 AND T12)+ 5 Star HQ

Discussion in 'State of Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Doggamer, 10/20/21.

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  1. Doggamer

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    My Location:
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    2 accounts (one as bonus) State 185 (very active, Alliance power 38B) Plasma 7, Troops and Hero Precinct (Ready to be Upgraded to Plasma 8)

    (T11 and & T12)

    VIP 10, 360m power, talent lvl Max (60), March Capacity Maxed out on Talents and Researches + Permanent Skins, Strategic & Daredevil Gears, enormous amounts of speedup, resources and boosts, Almost all heros located

    + 5 Star HQ lvl account in State 313

    the reason i am selling my account is that my working situation got intensified and i can only occationally log into my acount to do my basic daily things and upgrades. I would had given it away if i hadn't spent 5k on it thogh.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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