Selling Planetside 2 Godly Account - BR60+, 10,000+ Unspent Station Cash

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have an extremely high level BR60+ NC character. Top 20-40 on server and 3-15NC top server. It has over 10,000 station cash unspent which is equal to 100$. Total station cash spent on the account is 18,000. The account has earned over 20,000 certifications and has 4,000+ of them unspent. It has every single good tank / aircraft / infantry weapon purchased. K/D ratio is a very good one as well.

    I have left the details general so that the character cannot be easily found since it is one of the top characters on a server.

    Looking for $400.


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