Selling PLANETSIDE 2 BETA ACCOUNT (immediate access to beta)

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have fresh SOE account to sell. On this account you have activated PLANETSIDE 2 BETA.

    Why activated? Because i got key and i was not 1005 sure that key is working and only one way to check this is activate it.

    What you will get:

    - SOE login

    - SOE password

    - email is NOT VERIFIED so you can change it with ease

    - Secret Q/A is NOT SET so you can set oone for yourself

    So as you can see this is 100% safe. After you change data (email/SQ/SA) accnout is 100% yours and any rollback is basically impossible (im not doing this anyway ).

    Price for this account is: 8$

    Im verified PayPal user and i accept only PayPal GIFT as a payment option.

    If you have any questions send me an email: [email protected] /* */



    I will sell this for promotional price: 6 USD


    I may sell this account for 5$


    Still for sale for 5$

    No contact info?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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