Pixelbot for auto lvling & hunting

Discussion in 'Conquer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    This PixelBot is created using Autoit. It can be used on all classes for hunting or lvling. Mainly for those who cant cracked Scriptvessel and wanted a simple bot like this one.

    Thanks for the guide created by spoonieluv97 on Autoit.

    I used this bot couple with giacometti's DCtool if im gonna leave it overnight.

    NOTE the following:

    1. Worked best on Desktop Resolution 1024x768, Game Resolution 1024x768 [Windowed] with Show Name ON and must be in 32 bit.

    2. Its based on pixel color so dont minimise the CO window that you are using it on.

    3. If using bundle of pots make sure you have 5 and above single pots in the F-key cause it will used the bundle in every 3 usage of the single pot.

    4. It will attack any mob that have red hp bar including patrol/guards so choose a good spawn or it will wander off to other mob.

    5. For best effect, go into your CO folder look for ini folder inside it open up the armor file and make it a blank file by deleting everything inside it. (make sure you make a backup for it or do it on another CO folder that is for botting)

    edit 1- 6. Ctrl+x+c to exit or x+c when your char is jumping.

    It will do the following:

    1. For gold it will pickup goldbullion and above.

    2. Pickup dbs and mets.

    3. Dc you when your hp or mana are low.

    4. Dc you when your arrows pack are gone from the F-key.

    5. Dc you when the low dura message is out.(Pls test this out 1st before using it on good gear cause different com might have different color for the message)

    6. Relog your char in 5 mins after the Instruction thingy pop-up.

    7. Activate XPs.


    1. Cant use it on more than one char.

    2. Cant do other stuff when this bot is on.

    3. Will not pick items or gems.

    A few questions for the Pros out there, can it be programmed in a way that it still works when the CO screen is minimised and can be used on more than 1 char, most important can do other stuff when the bot is on.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Welcome all feedbacks.


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