Pink Mercy + Noire Widow account (PC)

Discussion in 'Overwatch Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by CornbreadBabi, 5/24/21.

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  1. CornbreadBabi

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    Hi! I am selling a Pink Mercy account with Fake ID for PC!
    The account comes with other special skins such as Snow Angel Mercy, Dr. Ziegler Mercy, Dallas Fuel OWL Mccree, Kerrigan Widowmaker, Nano Cola DVA, Noire Widowmaker and 2018 Pacific all-star Genji.

    12 Golden Weapons unlocked for: Ashe, Brigette, Doomfist, Genji, Mccree, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Soldier, Tracer, Torbjorn, Wrecking Ball, and Winston.

    Last played season was Season 26 with SR ending with 3844sr for support.
    It also peaked in season 19 with 4235sr on tank, 4063sr on DPS, and 4125sr on support.

    If you want to know any more info + see screenshots, you can PM me here or add me on discord (taurus#1783).
    Price is 400USD. Using Paypal, and we can you a Middleman if you wish.
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