Selling her because i rarely get on although it is a pain to my heart someone else deserves this gem!She is 3 years old not your typical 6 year account. ALTHOUGH i do have some older accounts some are wiped clean others have stuff in them those are available for sell If youd like you can see her inworld @cremae, she is age verrified and truly beautiful she has a many homes and the most expensive is 10,000L and many mesh heads. All of her clothes is mesh and i do have slink feet and the maitreya body and yes the LOLAS. i have sooo much hair she is worth about 200$ ive spent about 50,000 linden on her but i am willing to negotiate lower prices the lowest ill go is 20,000 She is owner of a few groups and is in many groups that hold EXPENSIVE memberships and well to be honest shes a complete bargain! She doesnt have any problems with anybody and isnt banned from anywhere