Selling [PH Lvl 110] End Game Account - Top 20 Overall BP, Top 5 PvP

Discussion in 'Grand Chase Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fimbulvinter, 5/26/19.

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  1. Fimbulvinter

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    TOP Ranked (BP and PvP) Account For Sale - #

    • via Paypal or BPI/Meetups (Philippines only, for Meetups, only within Metro Manila)
    • Account will be maintained until someone buys it, BP will increase as time goes on
    • Please NAME CHANGE and Leave Guild
    • Will issue an unbind ticket if you need but it is binded to an unused twitter account with an unused email

    The Account has the following:

    - Rare Coordi: Edel, Lass, Ley, Veigas
    - Premium Coordi: Asin, Mari, Arme, Lime
    - Borders: Grand School, Clair Bible
    - Limit Break Heroes: Elesis, Lire, Arme, Ronan
    - +6 Exclusive Weapons: Elesis, Lire, Arme, Edel, Rufus, Rin, Lime
    - +5 Exclusive Weapons: Veigas
    - +4 Exclusive Weapons: Kanavan, Dio, Ley, Lass
    - Abundant Hero and Shiny Resources
    - LB Ready for Rufus, Ryan, Rin and other units
    - Maxed out Hero Training for Assault, Ranger, Mage and Healers (Tank will increase the longer this post is up)
    - Maxed out Party Passives (PATK, MATK, MHP, Crit, CDR, ASPD)
    - All Core Units have T4 Accessories

    Current TAP of SR/Important Units:
    Ronan - 137, 818
    Elesis - 184, 217
    Arme - 184, 663
    Lire - 180, 272
    Edel - 162, 963
    Kanavan - 160, 873
    Lass - 158, 989
    Ley - 161, 892
    Rufus - 165, 717
    Rin - 170, 176
    Lime - 169, 779
    Jin - 101, 521
    Mari - 125, 931
    Amy - 130, 470
    Dio - 159, 903
    Zero - 119, 707
    Ryan - 108, 031
    Sieghart - 145, 004
    Veigas - 103, 860
    Sachi - 146, 452
    BF - 111, 772

    All images in this imgur post are related to the Account:

    For more information: PM me on Discord: Miel#1017
    #1 Fimbulvinter, 5/26/19
    Last edited: 5/26/19
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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