Selling  1-48 Hours Pet Simulator X | Rainbow Agony (random enchant) 2nd best pet in the game

Discussion in 'Roblox Items for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Item' started by Maxiepoexie, 8/19/21.

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  1. Maxiepoexie

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    upload_2021-8-19_23-18-21.png upload_2021-8-19_23-18-21.png

    i don't accept returns. undelivered item(s) will be refunded 2 days after your purchase

    this is virtual pet Rainbow Agony(any ability)

    instructions of receiving your item(s)

    1. DM me with your roblox username when purchasing

    2. i'll send you my roblox username and then you need send me friend request or accept my request

    3. when we'll friends in roblox we'll meet in pet simulatior x server and i'll send your item(s)

    few more notes

    1. minors who use their parent’s payment must get their parent’s permission before buying

    2. you'll receive your item(s) within 2 days(if item(s) didn't deliver within 2 days it will be refunded)

    3. a purchase will result in you getting 1 rainbow agony
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