Hello guys, im selling a perfect fresh new Account which has everything you need to start off. The account is still in Tier 1 arena since it was created a frew days ago, it has the limited ( S+ Tier) Hector LA +10 with +att - hp and way more perfect IV units which i will list below. I also have all new Heroes from the Fallen banner. Also it has still 555 Orbs on it which you can use on the New fallen banner!. We start of with the best, Hector LA +10 +att - HP Than we go with lilina LA +10 Lyn LA +6 Nowi + 4 ( still have like 4 4 star nowis) + Speed -hp Now we finish this with showing my other 5 stars, i have also about 400 4 star heroes as you can see. 1. 2. Imgur: The magic of the Internet 3. Imgur: The magic of the Internet Price: 1200 $, the orbs themselfs are about 300$ worth, the hector about 1000$, so you pretty much get way more for free, i wasted about 2000 € on this account which are about 2500 $ The account is 2 days old, so its pretty new and you can do whatever you want with it. I only accept Secured buy/sell with the middleman option, use the link below. Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service