I have a bunch of avatars and announcers, so i'm just gonna spell the most "valuable" ones: Announcers: Samuel L Jackson, British Gentleman , Flamboyant Pack , Merrick Announcer , URSA Announcers, VRZO English Announcer. Taunts: Kongor Taunt , Dropping G Taunt , Ursa Taunt , Gore Taunt , Treasure Chest Taunt. Avatars: FULL PARAGONS AVATARS. "The three judges of hell" ( Accursed , Puppet and Mb) Full eSports Avatars Full Ursa Corps (I have the x2 silver bonus permanent) Alot of "Plinko Only" Full Black Legion, EAs: Artillery , Geomancer , Master of the arms , Rally. Ultimates: Flint Beastwood , Swiftblade , Leggionaire, Rampage , Scout, Night Hound.Klanx, (7) 7DeadlySins: Gluttony , Greed. (Devourer and ss). Gold Edition : Invader Pestilence , Chronos , Kinesis, SirBenzington Limited And Holy Edition : Just too many of them xD. Normal Avatars : 150+ normal avatars I have "Hippommium" The harder to get in plinko Skype: Eternaloblivion3 Gmail: [email protected]